Tychon changes.whitehouse.gov
pollutico.com ON PETRODEBT WARFARE & the regulatory dimension
twitter.com/gasgebouw the world's biggest House of cards since 1963
po.st/complexxon Global Industrial dominance & institutional incompetence
Resentencing Skilling on June 21, 2013 in Houston, Texas.
Request to be heard: bit.ly/14elLLw Spoken, but not heard: "between the two of us, I decide whether or not you're an Enron victim" - Judge Lake III. We're all Exxon victims and Enron was just competing with Exxon. Therefore Jeff Skilling was demonized by federal prosecutors for personal gain and in order to hide the Big Picture from public view: specific direction of global systemic joint criminal enterprise chartered by ExxonMobil, based on 1963 dirty-energy fundamentals - the root cause of financial terrorism, parliamentary deficit, democratic cancer and moral crisis. Please compare with the letter to Judge Lake by Houston Clear Thinkers' head lawyer Tom Kirkendall: x.vu/kirkendall and Jim Johnston's view how federal prosecutors withheld exculpatory Brady evidence but avoided being investigated themselves for reckless profession behavior with the help of Enron judge Sim Lake III: x.vu/johnston "Skilling Resentencing, the other side of the story" ..."That is hauntingly similar to the Enron prosecution. Not only did the federal prosecutors withhold the Fastow interview by the FBI, with the help of trial judge Sim Lake, but raises the possibility that the Fastow testimony at trial was suborned by the federal prosecutors.
That is not farfetched. In the notorious case of Ted Stevens, Senator from Alaska, exculpable evidence was withheld at the trial by the federal prosecutors. The New York Times on May 24, 2012 quoted a Justice Department report that two prosecutors engaged in “reckless professional behavior” but were only suspended by Attorney General Eric Holder for 40 and 15 days that were later reversed. This, despite the fact the Senator Stevens conviction just before the 2008 election that cost him his seat. This in turn gave the Democrats a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, which enabled them to pass the health care law. There were even allegations in a report ordered by trial judge, Emmet Sullivan, that the prosecutors suborned perjury.
With this as background, it raises the possibility that a similar review of the Enron prosecution might take place. To head this off, a hedging strategy for the prosecutors is to reach a deal on resentencing of Skilling. If such a deal is reached, Skilling would have to withdraw his petition for a new trial. The prosecutors would therefore avoid being investigated.
Skilling has always maintained his innocence. However, he has already been deprived of his freedom for more than six years. He must now be evaluating whether he wants to stand on principle or to go for an earlier release. That must be a very difficult decision.
My Letter to Judge Lake regarding Jeff Skilling
U.S. District Judge Sim Lake re-sentenced former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling to 14 years in prison yesterday. That was the most lenient sentence that Judge Lake could impose under the deal that Skilling cut with the Department of Justice without risking a government appeal of the sentence. Skilling has already served almost seven years in prison and that he has to spend another day in prison — much less the four more years that Judge Lake’s re-sentence imposes — is highly unjust. In the letter below that I sent a couple of weeks before Skilling’s resentencing hearing, I explain to Judge Lake why I believe that Skilling’s plight is a grave injustice and why releasing him would actually have a beneficial impact on educating business markets
cheapOil securitization fraud A GLOBAL PROJECT
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Moody's Oil Standard Poors' Pitch
shaping people out of assholes:
L E A K Y L A N D global roundtable collapse: bit.ly/Tablegate
INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM DEDICATED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND ed. Stephan Tychon, MSE -trail witness & trial expert Enron case law. let 's put the systemic global distortion in context... Volcker-Brown Act promotes cheapOil standard we open the worltd.
US Moral Position Limits and Eurasian Ethical Takeover
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the situation boom in God's market environment
ATLANTIC INSTABILITY MANQUE CENTRAL DE CONCURRENCE US INSIDER TRADING - EU JURISDICTIONS - CRISIS THE ANIMAL SPIRIT OF INVISIBLE HAND EXXONMOBIL IT'S CHEAP OIL, IDIOTS! is cheap and dirty energy worth the cost? GreatCoalDebate: u.nu/43vye full version - 81minutes - www.bit.ly/greatcoaldebate
Limmy Scheres, Maastricht Treaty introduction of the Euro 1992 to./BEYOND ROME
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xxell welcomes Russia! us.Pollutico!
CO2=IMF fiscal irresponsibility
NATO new strategic concept http://www.to/NATOII
with Vice Chair Jeroen van der Veer -former Shell ceo!!?
Global shocking & breaking : Yvo de Boer UN climate chief treason -'World Stability Council' left menue
coming up: World Intellectual Property Court Europe WIPC.EU SITUATION BOOM EXPLAINED
Royal Dutch Disease
The Texan and Dutch Gas
'The Houston Connection'
Kicking Off The European Energy Revolution By Douglass Stewart
- Published: February, 2007
- ISBN: 9781425103507
Shell, operator of a Dutch exploration company, NAM, a joint 50/50 company with Esso, discovers the immense Groningen natural gas field in the Netherlands in 1960. Worried that their oil markets will be hurt Esso sends an engineer, Douglass Stewart, to the Netherlands to assess the situation. He confirms reserves are enormous and finds that Shell hopes to sell the gas at low prices to electric power plants, but has committed all natural gas to the Dutch State Gas Company NAM has to obtain a Producing Concession and there are no pipelines to deliver the gas.
Stewart forms a team with two Esso Dutch technicians and an American economist. The team proposes a whole new concept. The gas should be considered a "premium fuel" that could be delivered to households and selected industry if the Dutch city town gas systems are converated to use natural gas direct. Surplus gas could be exported at a high price. This would maximize the gas value, bring clean efficient fuel to the people, improve the environment and bring vastly increased revenue to the Dutch Government. The team proposes that Shell and Esso build the pipelines and market the gas to the cities and industries. The companies have to reach agreement with the Dutch Government and later go through tough negotiations with entrenched coal gas distributors in surrounding countries.
The book gives a behind the scenes look at people who participated in the negotiations with the Dutch Government that led to the formation of Gasunie and the internal ups and downs of relations between Shell and Esso. It reveals corporate maneuvering, intrigue, disappointments and successes, particularly with the regard to the export effort that put Shell and Esso in the gas business in Northern Europe.
EU's act together!
Exxon too big to jail?
NATA* - antitrust convergence and harmonization initiative -1966 unfair competition action and misrepresentation that didn't pay in the end: "Can we have your father's agenda, young man? You won't have any use for it!" ...and I gave way, but now rebound: N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, still today the planet's largest public-private partnership constriction: Exxon-Shell-Gov.nl -*North Atlantic Transparency Alliance
get at Big Oil, Obama!
failed dirty energy dreams
The Combat of Ideas:
Global results indicate there is no reason to have confidence in the western legal systems. Under the rule of criminal P3 law, justice is simply not done anymore. The état d'esprit goes byond national resources, defense and security where civilization itself is endangered as we can all see but refuse to understand. La raison d'être est mort, vive la raison du réel! The rights and duties of rule and regulation need global fiscal and monetary co-ordination more than ever, where the judiciary systematically failed to deliver within the international vacuum of measured and meaningful law.
invade stupid!
capital deconstriction & fair trial architecture
how xxon created hell.. & Keynes was right, but left: how corporations define our dreams and states destroy them
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civil.zation.org changes.whitehouse.gov
stingflation.com says it all, Barack!
Public comment-NATA-Atlantic antitrust convergence and harmonization initiative filed July 7, 2009 with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, on the statement by CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler on Speculative Position Limits and Enhanced Tranparency Initiatives. Office of External Affairs. Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21° Street, NW. Washington, DC20581
With this public comment on the lack of fundamental overview, insight and transparency regarding US dirty-energy policies and politics since the early '60s when the world's biggest (even to date) international P3 contract between Esso-Shell-Gov.nl (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)was signed, I try to draw your attention to the very rootcause of today's miserable global social-economic situation. Since my late father was Gasunie's first director and architect of the European long distance and high pressure natural gas distribution network, you might enjoy some first-hand and very useful information on my website, such as "La condition Américaine" and "The Very Complexxon". You might discover very soon, that there is a direct link between this foreign contract, the seizure of the globalisation trend, the state of financial-economic despair not only the United States is in, and the proper functioning of domestic energy markets, social welfare and moral hazard of developing events under the law and your eyes. I take great pride in being the only investigative journalist who had a personal interview with Jeff Skilling during the Enron trial. Also, I was the last man on the stand to explain the globally overarching interests and forces on sentencing day, but was prevented by the FBI to finish my point. I filed a complaint with the Texas Attorney General against George W. Bush and Lee Raymond (ex ExxonMobil) as documented on our webportal xxell.com. Sincerely yours,
Stephan Tychon, chief officer of change, World Stability Council
ed. KNOWHATHITYA: The first 'listen & learn' CFTC hearing of Tuesday July 28, 2009 on Energy Position Limits and Hedge Exemptions, in search of a new and better "Law of the Land' reveiled a most intrigueing question by FCTC Commissioner Bart Chilton: "What don't we know, that might be out there?" Although the crude oil markets were recognised as global markets - as opposed to natural gas markets that are local in the US- there were no foreign specialists invited for the hearing to shine a new light, but ICE futures Europe's Energy Contracts were discussed. What you don't know and fully explains the actual global state of affairs, is that the American 1963 contract with Europe, based on dirty energy fundamentals where oil and gas prices were linked and provoked US public-private insider trading, price fixing and inhouse judging, was a deal between unequal parties under pressure of Esso, now ExxonMobil, that distorted, obscured and prevented not only responsible and sustainable development, world stability & equality, but properly regulated global crude oil markets in the first place: the core problem the US is now trying to fix to regain confidence of the American public at large. A manipulated overseas contract is what hits home after 45 years: La Condition Américaine! "They must find it difficult... Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the autorithy." - Gerald Massey, egyptologist.
IMF*ed tweet 360o The US is the global problem, Sir. "State of the Nation" www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcuXV99asO8
AG Mukasey: "we will prosecute where we see it" B O L D A C T I O N
Fed, FBI & SEC VICTIMScul de sec
FRB unravelling The Federal Reserve Caused The 700 billion dollar bailout....
Taking on the world's toughest energy terrorism THE LEADING PAST OF THE PRESENT CRISIS ANALYZED
Stephan GM Tychon, last man on the stand inside the Enron trial
FBI tasks forged to xxell UNclear World Banksingflation
CHEAP OIL & Errbanke's SEC-Fed crime brokerage TERRORISM www.news.google.com/news?hl=en&q=Cheney GET HIM OBAMAwww.endoil.org
HALLIBURTON 's master of stealth and global P3 arrogance, crime & treason, ex-VP Dick Cheney, held friendly nations like the Netherlands cheap: "The problem is that the good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas reserves where there are democratic elected regimes friendly to the interests of the United States", he said, knowing the planet's 2nd largest natural gas reserves at that time were discovered in the Netherlands in 1959. Global parliamentary deficit due to U.S.-imposed longterm oil and gas lock-in contracts provoking incorporated governance and constituency of special interests with legal executive privileges, forged the intramural rationale -a Trojan Horse- for western democratic wrongdoing and intellectual poverty. A globalization trend was effectively captured by abusive institutionalized strategic conduct while seizing life and privatizing democracy. Oil and greed, Iraq and Enron... it's all America and Exxon. We reject the 1963 European 'coal and steel' submission Gasgate and accuse the team of rivals, termed Gasunie, Exxon, Shell & Dutch/U.S. government-duopoly of global