the situation boomthe flight from quantity FBI What happened with US energy-security efficiency-victims since 1963? Video: McClellan: Bush Must Blame Himself for Mistrust greed-technology securitization scrutiny no crook left alone! :++ View from the Stop
P3 securities exchange omissions, 'actus reus' - guilty acts versus corporate harm reduction. Triple-A crime: securitization of greed-technology.
The most strategic values in this greed technology era of access and excess still are the primary factors of production and productivity: cheap energy, cheap labour and cheap capital. Russian energy politics as a diplomatic weapon are nothing new, just reversing the still existing cold war into a bold war. European knowledge, competence and core (high)technology levels surely are competitive with American standards and the wings of success of the Union. Technology advantage is no more U.S. patent nor reason for imposement of power and industrial abuse like in the 50s and early 60s. America now is looking to secure a wasteful lifestyle but it's energy and exchange securities are waning while wasted on the same scale. However, adjusting the scope, range and rate of change might well lie within it's abilities while profoundly ready for big sacrifices and it's willingness to be an example for the world and show off. European energy positions, single market and relations with it's neighbours who desperately need western technology to develop a sound transition to the global and sustainable natural gas economy combined with renewables and energy rethinking, consumer involvement and voter awareness, are very much favourable to the much needed transatlantic consent and possible solution: leave the U.S. dollar to the business of oil (were cheap becomes rare) and proceed with the euro for eastward development! Try our globally integrated centerprise now and start understanding what a balanced overview really should be. start @ home!
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