GordianKnot-TrojanHouseHow London ran Washington and Dubai takes over by subprime
INC.GOV The financial architecture of the economic-primacy landscape being based on stolen natural resources, the M-LEC Superfund now is a lost resort for the last Red Herrings trying to escape. Energy fundamentals of cheap-oil strategy and the related P3-doctrine sustaining the globalizing greed-technology within the financial markets and broader economy, are now going to be disclosed by the self-defining aftermath of british pump and dump engineering, called: THE LONDON MUSHROOM OF MAYFAIR. UK securitization of US properties: the smartest game is over! Need help? LPC@LLP3.com Fannie Maeday Maeday... www.goolge.com/news?hl=en&q=MLEC www.google.com/news?hl=en&q=London+Mayfair 'Curb The Greedy Global Financiers': (The Observer) http://business.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,2156599,00.html
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