Cap CODCapitalization Covert Obligations' Delinquency On the hazardous State and Affairs of incorporated organized crime-related governance headed by M. Lynch & Co.'s CDO*-strategy of despair and moral fallout. *Collateralized debt obligations' securitization of risk by abusing the good faith and weak social-economic position of the poor on a global industrial scale has structurally overwhelmed the comprehension of democratic representatives tasked with oversight... it seems. However, that is only if you are subdued to resign-repression or don't have enough time or interest to get the knowledge to understand the very complex machination of design practice, a decennia-long implementation of deceptive and covert economics of applied mechanism design. Slicing and dicing risk by pumping and dumping -aka relocating- confidence can't go on forever and will not only rebound on the global financial architecture but on the masses of people being abused and sooner or later are going to understand what endangers their personal safety, freedom and security on the global playing field. Or, if the perspective of any perception of a homeland still exists, perceived abuse of good faith might get adjusted on the spot by evergrowing violence. Time to buy a gun after you got licensed for it. more soon...
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