Head-on NEWS
Whois Nato?
prospect alert
Georgia W.?
investigative ? journalism
www.huge-entity.com NEWEST & ACTION REPORTS: A&R
World Stability Council: left menue
- World Stability Affairs: from Great Depression via Big Deal '63 to the Dream's End.
- Sudden Wealth Fund: A&R International UNDP Oil and Gas Conference Phnom Penh, Cambodia 26-28 March, 2008. See also United Nations, SoWhat?
radical change conduit right menue
- Thailand's Prime Minister Samak distorting the truth. Bangkok, Februari 2008. A&R
- Rockefeller centered on Exxon fight (see also Exxon task force)
by KATI CORNELL www.nypost.com
May 1, 2008 -- The Rockefellers went to the mat with Exxon Mobil yesterday, leveraging their ancestor's role as company founder to press the oil giant to look to the future.
Descendants of John D. Rockefeller, who founded Standard Oil, criticized Exxon Mobil for its short-sighted focus on soaring oil prices and natural gas in the face of rapidly changing energy markets, and called for restructuring.
"They are fighting the last war, and they're not seeing they're facing a new war," Peter O'Neill, a great-great-grandson of the entrepreneur, said yesterday.
The oldest continuous shareholders in Exxon Mobil, the Rockefellers have rallied together 84 percent of their adult family members over age 21 to push for a split in the position of chairman of the board and CEO and address the need for cleaner technology.
sExxell selection:
Houston's Clear Thinkers
Alan Greenspan on the housing bubble |
Former fed chief Alan Greenspan answers his critics on the topic of the housing bubble with an exclusive article on FT.com.
In his response via our Economists' Forum blog, Mr. Greenspan defends his earlier statements and reiterates what he believes to be the true origins of the crisis.
For the full article and comments, visit the FT Economists' Forum blog.
May 21, 2007, 6:14 pm
When Government Was the Solution
By Jean Edward Smith
For more than a generation, Americans have been told that government is the problem, not the solution. The mantra can be traced back to Barry Goldwater�s presidential bid in 1964. It provided the mind-set for the Reagan administration, and it has come to ultimate fruition during the presidency of George W. Bush.
When Government Was the Solution - Campaigning for History ...
For Headstart, the figures do not incorporate the losses due to crime that could ..... SEC, Fed, Bank regulators, to keep control of the unlawful/unethical ...